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Chromophobia 2014-15 is a set of 3 mini-series that describe or investigate different fears, Childhood, The Uncanny and The Dark. They are directly influenced by cinematic style, and are prescribed black borders to further illustrate this.

The Uncanny

The Dark


The Uncanny is a series of work that is influenced by the works of Freud and his look at the unknown and the intrigue of the mystical that drives the human condition.

The Dark is an exploration of feelings of entrapment but conversly warmth and safety in the place that mentally traps.

Childhood is a personal exploration of the way in which traumatic events occuring outside of the realm of that individuals life can still affect that person. In this case it focusses on the spate of child abductions in the late 90's and 2000's. These events were so widely broadcast that it felt as if one knew these individuals personally. This I believe did affect my childhood with an element of fear, which is not necesarily a negative affect as it educated myself, and probably many others of the dangers of trusting strangers as a child.

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